Originally from Assam, India, Runima originally trained as a graphic designer and made the leap into creating original works in oils, acrylics and watercolours more than two decades ago.
While her paintings are on display everywhere from Maharajahs palaces to corporate boardrooms, the majority of her art shows have been held to raise funds for charity, including UNICEF and a range of cancer research, awareness and support organisations. As a member of Chelsea Arts Club, Runima regularly takes part in club shows and activities, and she exhibited at StART Art Fair in Saatchi Gallery, London, in Autumn 2023.
Embracing the hues that connect her to her Indian roots and memories of her homeland forms a dominant part in her practice. Runima has a vibrant semi abstract style of painting and viewers will find a kaleidoscope of expression in her works, communicated with minimal but expressive brush strokes. There is an inherent playfulness in Runima’s work, and her creativity continues to evolve. With each stroke, she paints a story, inviting you to become a part of her artful symphony.
Exhibited in locations as far flung as Barbados, America, Somerset, and the north of England, Runima has recently concentrated on shows in London, including a duo show in Fulham Broadway in October 2022.
Join Runima on the next leg of her global journey, and let her works transport you to colourful and fantastic worlds both real and imagined.
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